Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Morning

This year we were a bit of a grinch. There where no lights up and no real tree. We have been trying to get our place ready for our new addition that we, well we just couldn't be bothered with our usual Christmas decorations. We did display our Christmas cards and the stockings where hung (over the radiator) with care. Our Nativity Scene was set up and the snowman and moose where out. So I guess we weren't a total bah' humbug.

Our gifts to each other where the couch we are sitting on in the picture and a love seat to match. We even had them under the (wooden) tree. We did get to unwrap some gifts though. So we wanted to say thanks for the cookbook from Mom and Dad, the onsies for Maximilian from Jamie, the digital photo frame from Tyson and Dee and the first aid kit from Rebecca and Robert. 

As we unwrapped our gifts we did one of our traditions of playing Christmas music while we watch the yule log burn. (this year it was in HD)


  1. We're glad you liked the digital frame.
    We knew with you technology was the way to go.
    We miss you and love you and are counting down the days till we see pics of baby Max...

  2. I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas! It was great to see you via the internet. We can't wait for little Max to get here!
