Saturday, September 4, 2010

Max Max Max Max

just a fun image of Max playing on the playground.

and okay I throw in the one of Him and I cheering from the bleachers.


  1. I have to be honest with you, it took me a minute to realize that it was just you and Max on the bleachers. I was thinking how odd it was that all the kids and all the adults were wearing the same thing. Then I looked at the first picture and realized that it was just Max on the playground. Oh, the talent of you, Jared! LOVE IT!!!!

  2. Yes the talent of Jared is amazing. Can't wait to see you next week, Love Mom

  3. hahaha, you make me laugh Heather. Thanks for saying I have talent, I just look at the pictures and wish they were better.

  4. I seriously love that last picture! Very Creative! Adobe master
