Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Max is always after me to build a bridge for his trains. So I asked him if he wanted a small bridge or a big bridge.

he chose big

from another angle

Once he has his bridge built he doesn't want Ev to play with it

And this, is why Max didn't want Ev touching the bridge.


  1. Looks like it is not only the London Bridge that has structural issues, but also the Campbell bridge. I guess it is back to the drawing board to find a design that will stand up to the Ev-inator!

  2. Wait! I don't think it was Ev that did the destruction. I think this is another case of big brother blaming little sister, like the "H's" on the fridge.

  3. it was definitely Ev that did it. There are a couple of frames missing from the beginning that show her push it.

    As for the H's who else would it have been but little sister. I thought it was your whole name that I wrote on the wall. it was the perfect scam I get to write on the wall and take no heat for it. though to be honest all you had to do was say "I didn't do it, Jared did" and mom and dad would believe you. in fact I think anyone could have used that line and they would have believed it. :)

  4. Of course they would have believed it because it would have been the truth.
