Wednesday, January 28, 2009

serious this time


  1. What a cute little man. Did Carrie make that beenie in the first picture? If not, the hospital give out much cooler beenies in Canada then they do here. Congrats again! Thanks for the pictures.

  2. Congrats guys on a healthy good looking boy!!! Cameron and I are so happy for you guys! He is such a little stud!!! send Carrie our love and way to go Dad.

  3. What a little stud!I wish I was there to hold him! Are you guys home now? Well, Congrats again and enjoy your little bundle of love! Give him lots of hugs and kisses from us!

  4. It's about time I get to see my newest grandchild. He is way cute. Congrats, Love Mom and Grandma
    Hugs and Kisses for all

  5. we got two beenies, a crappy one and one that some volunteers made hats for Chinese New Year and even though max missed new years day by an hour and a half the still gave him one. that's the hat in the first picture. the second pic he is wearing a beenie that Fanessa (gary haroldsen's wife) made for him.

  6. He is completely perfect...So cute. I love their little noses.

  7. Now I feel bad I did not look earlier. I have been waiting and checking like ever hour, just to see a picture. Today, I got a little wrapped up in stuff and here it is. Max is adorable!!!!! Thank you so much for the picture. I cannot wait to hold him and love him. ENJOY!!! He is a gift from Heaven!

  8. Does he have any dimples like Carrie??

  9. Okay, so those pictures tided us over for a couple days, but now it's time for some more. I keep refreshing you blog every 5 minutes waiting for more pictures...

  10. bryan you should subscribe to an RSS feed of all the "soup" blogs. then you wouldn't have to check to see if there are updates because it will tell you. ;)
