Sunday, May 23, 2010

Help us name our Daughter

Here is a list of names that we like. However we cannot decide which one to name our daughter. That is where you come in, just leave a comment stating which name you like the most. Even if you don't know us and just stumbled upon this blog please leave a comment. (it will really help us out)

Katherine Frances Campbell

Charlotte Frances Campbell

Eleanor Frances Campbell

Evelyn Frances Campbell

Elizabeth Frances Campbell

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post, now please leave a comment in support of your favorite name.  


  1. I like Evelyn and Elizabeth the best! Good luck guys, which ever you choose will be perfect.

  2. I like Elizabeth, Evelyn and Charlotte!

  3. Okay, so I put 3...the one I like the very most is Elizabeth!

  4. I love Elizabeth. However my co-worker always tell me that Kathrine is the most beautiful name because that is his daughter's name.

  5. The Larson's vote for Evelyn and Charlotte all around. That makes 7 votes split between the two (that is why I had so many kids, so we could have more votes. HAHAHA)

  6. Hey no fair! I'd poll my kids but Harlie would vote Dilly (that's what she names everything!)

  7. Thank you all for your votes so far. Trish it's fine to vote for multiple names. Heather and Dee, polling your family is fine. :) oh and Dee, right in votes are welcome. :)

    We had picked out Elizabeth a long time ago, but now we just aren't sure. Maximilian is, we feel, a unique name and we want something just as special for our daughter.

    If any one else has any other names to suggest please don't hesitate to post it here. We only have 10 weeks left so we need to decide on a name soon.

  8. Kirk likes Eleanor, but I like Evelyn or Charlotte! I'll ask Michaila and Jacob later when they get home.

  9. If you are looking for a more unique name I would not go with Charlotte, at least here in the U.S. it is picking up steam. I love the name, but I know 2 Charlottes that are both 2, where as I don't know any Maximilians and since we all know I know everything....haha! For unique I would go with Evelyn.

  10. Jacob likes Charlotte and Michaila like Eleanor.

  11. Why not a combination of 3 names to be unique and special like her mother?

  12. I like charlotte

  13. Elizabeth it was, Elizabeth it should stay.

  14. Mom suggest Avery or Emmalynn
