Monday, May 17, 2010

Random Max

Max loves playing with water bottles, and the other day while playing with one he tripped over it and ended up with a fat lip.

Max is also enjoying trying on other peoples shoes. Here he is trying on mine.

And finally we have a shot of Max doing, perhaps what he loves best of all, running around naked!


  1. I have missed kipping up with everyone and my own. love you posts and love the picture it makes me feel like we aren't so far away.

  2. This post is sad and funny all in one!! Love that little guy!!

  3. At least that is not a clear picture of his nakedness. He would be so embarrassed in about 10 years.

  4. I wouldn't post a photo where you could see his nakedness. I just wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. but rest assured we have photos that will embarrass him when he is older. hahahaha

  5. Very cute pictures! The photo of Max in your shoes is so adorable. You should blow that one up and frame it!
