Saturday, May 14, 2011

out and about

For Easter Aunt Karen, aka Mama K, gave the kiddies a kite. It took us a few times out to actually get it to fly. Really we just needed a day with more wind. Once we got the wind we were all good.

this photo is just to show how big Max is. He's taller then a 20 story building :)

We've been exploring out city a bit more. finding walking trail and parks to play in. Found a really cool yesterday evening. (that post coming soon)

Max taking his sunglasses off

Ev on my shoulders

We even got to walk under a rainbow. (there is no pot of gold at the rainbows end)

on one of our walks we actually saw Santa Clause. guess he doesn't spend his summers at the North Pole.


  1. Hi I was wondering, what park/trail did you visit to get under that rainbow tunnel? anewan greenbelt??

  2. yes anewan greenbelt. you can access it from old lawrence ave. which is at lawrence and dvp. or you can get to it from moccasin trail park.
