Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Birth Announcement

so it's a month late, but it's better late then never right.


  1. Can Max get any cuter???
    Miss you guys!

  2. I love these pictures, did you guys take them? They turned out so good.

  3. What a great bundle of joy!!!!!! How is parenthood treating the two of you? Carrie, are you going to be heading back to work? If so, when does that happen (assuming it has not already happened)?

  4. Parenthood is treating us well....I think :) Max is a pretty easy going baby. He loves to sleep and eat and poop.
    I do plan on going back to work but in Ontario I am permitted to take a full year off at 55% of my regular salary.

  5. You have such a beautiful little boy! I am so thrilled for you. Jared, we still think of you as one of the kids and expect to see you pull up the driveway anyday still! But, don't drive to Kooskia via Canada...because we live in Rexburg now.

    This precious little guy will bring so much forever joy! I'm sending a hug!

    Brenda Benedict
