Friday, March 13, 2009

there and back again

This morning Max decided that we should all go to the hospital. After his 6am meal he threw up what we believe to be a bit of blood. Neither Carrie or I thought it was cause for too much concern because he didn't seem to be in any pain. So I left for work, Carrie still being a bit anxious decided to put her fears to rest and called "telehealth." Well after talking to them Carrie called me and told me that we should take Maximilian to the ER. So I told my customer that I was leaving, drove home, picked up Carrie and Max and off to the hospital we went.

By 10am we where back home with a clean bill of health. The nurses and doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him so they gave him a NYD status and sent us on our way. It looks like this was an isolated incident and that there is nothing to worry about.


  1. We are so glad everything is well. that is so scary. we miss you! love, Amy and family

  2. I'm glad that nothing was wrong with him, but seriously that's kinda scary!

  3. Yah, that's a little scary! Better to get him checked out than wonder and worry.

  4. How did you avoid having a heart-attack? I think I may have just had a little one right now. I am glad everything went well. I am sure this is the first of many trips to the hospital/doctor coming back with nothing wrong (which is not always a bad thing).

  5. Thank you everyone for you concern. It means a lot.

    This Mom thing can be a bit scary!
