Sunday, March 22, 2009

Riverview Park & Zoo (more animals)

Here is a nice close-up of one of those Turkeys. They really are UGLY.

Here is a North American River Otter. There where two of these guys(or girls?) They appeared to be having a good time running around and playing in the water.

We also got to see a Cougar who was nice enough to perch himself up on the top of his home so we could get a photo of him.

This is a picture of a Squirrel Monkey. I think they were my favorite. They just looked so cute and cuddly.

Honorable mention goes to the Black and White Ruffed Lemurs who where making a horrible racket but wouldn't hold still for a photo. Also to the Camel, Fox, Goat, Ox, and others that didn't make it into this blog.


  1. hey! it was so good to see pictures for you two.... well carrie. abby wanted me to ask if you got flat stanly? talk to you later.. miss you.

  2. yup we got flat stanley and he went to the zoo with us. we will be sending him back soon.

  3. cool she is so excited. thanks for doing that you rock!!

  4. Not to be nosy, but what the heck is flat stanley??
